More Information
Publication Date: 19 Sep 1997
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Apollos
Page Count: 368
Author: Derek Tidball
ISBN-13: 9780851114545

Skilful shepherds

Explorations In Pastoral Theology
By Derek Tidball
ISBN: 9780851114545

Summary of Skilful shepherds

Pastoral theology is theology seen from the shepherding perspective. Relating to every aspect of church life - from leading congregations to counselling individuals - it calls for pastors with a good grasp of Christian doctrine and a wide range of skills.
After defining pastoral theology the author examines its biblical foundations. He then surveys the various ways in which it has been understood in the history of the church. In his final section Dr Tidball considers five major themes - belief, forgiveness, suffering, unity and ministry - as examples of pastoral theology at work in the church today.