A Chat with Vaughan Roberts

We chatted with Vaughan Roberts about his book God’s Big Picture, which inspired the course of the same name.

1. Tell us about the Bible overview course you’ve created called God’s Big Picture. Why was it important to you to create it?

Since I wrote the book of the same name, I have often heard from pastors asking if I had anything that would help them teach a Bible overview to their churches. Apart from sharing a few diagrams, I had nothing to offer and I have long wanted to be able to give more assistance. The course fills the gap and is designed to help individuals and groups engage with the material in a very accessible way.

2. What has the response to the course been like?

It has been thrilling to hear of it being used all over the world and to get feedback that it has helped many to see how the whole Bible fits together. Zoe Earnshaw and her team at Clayton TV have done a great job and it has fulfilled all our dreams in being engaging and easy to follow. There are plans now for a Spanish edition and discussions about it possibly being produced in other languages.

3. Your course is based on your book of the same name. Did writing the book help you see the Bible in a different way?

The big change for me came when I read Graeme Goldsworthy’s book “Gospel and Kingdom”. For the first time I grasped how the storyline of the Bible worked and how it all spoke of Jesus Christ and God’s plan to redeem the world through him. There is nothing new in my book – I was just trying to pass on what I had already learned from others.

4. What would you like readers to get from God’s Big Picture?

I would love others to have the same experience I had when I read Goldsworthy. It’s so exciting when you see that all 66 books of the Bible belong together as a unity. Getting that big picture is a bit like being given a map which helps you find your way around every part of the Bible. And as we recognise that it all points to Jesus, it should help us grow in knowledge and love of him, whatever Bible book we are reading.

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