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Publication Date: 21 Mar 2024
Publisher: IVP
Page Count: 128
Author: Nay Dawson
ISBN-13: 9781789744521, 9781789744538

She Needs

women flourishing in the church
By Nay Dawson
In She Needs, Nay Dawson explores how and why women from all backgrounds should be encouraged to use their valuable skills to enrich the church.
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Summary of She Needs

Many women have limited opportunities for using their God-given talents in a church setting. In contrast, their male counterparts have a clearer pathway to serve and receive training for ministry.

She Needs intends to open up the discussion between women and their church leaders to explore the benefits of women using their unique skills to enrich the church and its community.
Whether your church considers all roles open to women or considers there to be a biblical distinction in gender roles, She Needs will help initiate healthy conversations about women using their gifts to enrich the life of the church.

Honest and hard-hitting chapters are dovetailed with stories from women who love the church, and practical discussion questions to make sure that this important conversation continues to move forward.

Nay is passionate about women flourishing in the church and she is the founder of Passion for Evangelism, a network of creative, public female evangelists.

About the Author of She Needs

Nay Dawson lives in Southampton, married with two young girls. She has worked with students for more than 20 years, firstly with UCCF and now IFES. Passionate about women flourishing in the church, she set up 'Passion for Evangelism' to empower, equip and encourage women to share the good news of Jesus with God-given confidence and creativity. She is part of Southampton Lighthouse International Church, a Trustee for Friends International, and on the steering group for A Passion for Life.
Press Reviews

In a way that is unique to her, Nay, in this book, has been able to do many good things all at once. Nay has written an honest, generous, open, brave, practical and defiantly hopeful book that is somehow both incredibly sad and deeply inspiring. Nay’s book makes me want to be a better brother to the women God has placed in my life. I don’t think I’m overstating it when I say that Nay has shown us a way in which our Lord Jesus Christ is calling his church to greater maturity, holiness and love. Thank you Nay.

- Elliot Hyliger, Assistant Minister, Rotherham Evangelical Church

‘I remember as a young Christian on a ministry training course overhearing a conversation about the role of women in church. I thought to myself, “That’s not my problem.” I could not have been more wrong. By the grace of God, I was led to repentance. I have gone on to have the privilege of working alongside Nay and other women. They exceed me in character and contribution to God’s kingdom, without whom we’d all be impoverished. The triune God has made men and women to display together his beautiful goodness in his world. And it should matter to all of us how we interact and serve alongside one another. I’ve found Nay’s work in She Needs to be a helpful window into the painful experience of women of which I might otherwise have been ignorant. I lament my own failures and those that have been knowingly or unknowingly built into much of what we do. I’m challenged by the honest experience of women in the Church and inspired to do all I can to see, hear and honour women better.’q

- Dave Bish, Associate Minister, Beeston Free Church

As a girl, I felt I was able to do nearly anything I would like to achieve, regardless of my gender. As a woman, though, I have often felt inadequate and not enough. Because that is when I heard for the first time: Christian women should not do such and such. Really? It sounds like Nay’s story, but it is mine. But Nay has not stayed within that framing; she is writing in She Needs about how God has spoken to her not to give in to circumstances but to expand the frame and invite men and women alike to step in and step up. To be defined by God’s calling and going ahead fixing the leaky pipe, even when it costs her so much to do so. In confidence and vulnerability. ‘This book is an invitation to join this exciting and life-changing journey and meet the needs of women around the globe, so as to build God’s kingdom together. We are better together!’

- Evi Rodemann, Cheerleader for the next generation, LeadNow e.V., Lausanne

‘I felt frustrated as the words fell out of my mouth for the umpteenth time, “We don’t invite women speakers because we don’t know many good female Bible handlers.” I wasn’t frustrated with the student who had asked the question, but with the culture of which I was a part and which I helped to perpetuate, which meant that gifted and godly women weren’t given the opportunity to develop or deploy their God-given abilities... Everyone who is called by God should be invested in to serve in the appropriate context for their calling. And so, the stories of women overlooked and under-trained need to be told. We must see and feel the struggle, so that those who are the gate keepers to opportunity might fling the gates open. I trust this book will do just that.’

- Jonathan Thomas, Pastor

‘Nay Dawson articulates the subtle sexism so many of us have experienced in the Church. Her understanding and compassion are evident on every page of this book, along with ideas for ways forward for all of us, as we seek to serve Jesus wholeheartedly with our co-workers in Christ.’

- The Revd Jo Trickey, Church Advocate, London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

‘Nay is addressing many of the issues women face in ministry, but she is also encouraging and helping us to start the conversation that will help us to make the necessary changes. To be honest I got a bit emotional reading through this book because I recognized so many of the hard and painful stories and experiences from my own life in church and ministry. But I also felt encouraged to see myself as a woman being called to contribute to the body of Christ. I really want to encourage any leader in a Christian organization or church to read this book, and consider how both men and women can flourish with their God-given gifts.’

- Henriette Engberg Vinkel, KFS Pioneer, Denmark, and psychotherapist in training, Croatia

‘The Church is greatly impoverished when women are not identified, equipped and released to use their gifts. All too often, cultural blind spots in the Church have prevented this from happening. I’m thankful that the She Needs blog series has spotlighted these problems and is encouraging the church leaders to be proactive in encouraging women in their church.’

- Brian Whittaker, Pastor, Swindon Evangelical Church