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Publication Date: 21 May 2010
Series: Dig Deeper
Publisher: IVP
Page Count: 192
Author: Nigel Beynon|Andrew Sach
ISBN-13: 9781844744312, 9781844746873

Dig Deeper

Tools To Unearth The Bible's Treasure
By Nigel Beynon, Andrew Sach
A straightforward, user-friendly guide to how to read the Bible - dig deep into God's word for yourself.
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Summary of Dig Deeper

'It's all a matter of interpretation.'

Most conversations I've had with non-Christians about the Bible end up there sooner or later. It's all a matter of interpretation. Sure, you say it means that Jesus is God and that sex outside marriage is wrong and that heaven is only for Christians, but maybe for me it means that Jesus was just a good teacher and sex with anyone is OK as long as you both want it and heaven is for everybody. It's all just a matter of interpretation.

Actually, we've all been conditioned to think like that. It's part of the whole philosophical movement called postmodernism, and over the last few decades it has infiltrated the TV shows that we watch and the classrooms that we sit in. Postmodernism teaches that when I come to a piece of literature such as the Bible, what matters is not what it means, but what it means for me. And that might be different from what it means for you. And that's OK.

I wonder if you've ever been in a Bible study like this:

Leader: Does anyone have any thoughts about verse 1?

Person A: I think it's talking about X, and . . . (blah, blah) . . .

Person B: Yes, I see what you're saying Person A and I totally respect you. For me though it means Y, the opposite of X.

Leader: Mmmm. Thank you both. Let s move on to verse 2.

That's postmodernism in action. The text means one thing for one person and the complete opposite for another, but both interpretations are to be respected and treated as equally valid. But the apostle Paul doesn't see it like that. He thinks that there is a right and a wrong way to understand the Bible.

The book is based on the idea of a toolkit. Each chapter introduces you to a separate tool and explains how it works. Although there are illustrations from the Bible throughout, we'll sometimes spend a bit longer on a Worked example to show you how that particular tool really can help us discover something exciting and relevant that the Bible is saying. Finally, the Dig deeper! boxes give you a chance to practise using the tools for yourself. At the end we've included a brief appendix with a suggestion of how you might use the toolkit concept in your small group.
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Press Reviews

This book is just brilliant. It is practical and accessible, and it will revolutionize the way you read the Bible. It will help you to see the Bible as an ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet rather than a ‘McQuick-and-not-very-satisfying’ nibble. Dig deeper and get to know God better!

- Linda Marshall, author of Pure

At last the book we have been waiting for, a modest-sized volume that lays out the cardinal principles of biblical exposition in clear, accessible, winsome language. I will keep a stash of Dig Deeper in my office for gifts to aspiring preachers as well as to refresh my own preaching. A quickening road for all expositors and teachers of the Word!

- R. Kent Hughes

Nigel and Andrew have written a great work on knowing God better, learning his will for your life and reading your Bible. I like it. In fact, I think we’ll use it at our church.

- Mark Dever

An excellent user-friendly set of principles to help the Bible reader understand and apply its message with increasing confidence and relevance.

- David Jackman, former President, The Proclamation Trust

As a minister to college students, I am constantly on the lookout for resources for thoughtful and passionate young people who are hungry to know the Word of God and hungry to teach it to others. This is a great hermeneutics text, but it is more – it also consistently drives home the authority of the truth. This book is deep, approachable and pastoral. I would gladly put it in the hands of one of my students.

- Jay Thomas, College Pastor, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois